A museum and Web3 platform dedicated to data visualization and AI arts

DATALAND will unite pioneers in diverse fields including the arts, scientific researchers, institutional archives, and cutting-edge technology under the artistic leadership of Refik Anadol Studio.

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Large Nature Model

For DATALAND, Refik Anadol Studio is building a groundbreaking initiative — the Large Nature Model, the world’s first open source, generative AI model dedicated to nature, trained on the most extensive, ethically collected dataset of the natural world.

We’re pioneering a unique approach by training our Large Nature Model algorithms on nature’s inherent intelligence. This diverges from the majority of Large Language AI Models that rely on human intellect.

Our first step towards building the Large Nature Model is to collect as much data as we can on the flora, fauna, and fungi of the rainforests of the world.

Founded in extensive interdisciplinary research, the model utilizes the open access information of several venerable institutions

  • Natural History Museum
  • Smithsonian
  • National Geographic
  • Cornell Lab
  • Getty

Large Nature Model: Connection

As deeper collaborations continue to develop with these entities and additional sources of trusted data are included from universities, museums, foundations, government entities and libraries, the model will expand over time.

Large Nature Model: Processing

Computing power for the Large Nature Model is driven by DATALAND partners Google Cloud, who is pursuing net-zero emissions across its operations and value chain by 2030; and NVIDIA, whose groundbreaking neural network algorithms and advanced tools enable Refik Anadol Studio’s visual representations and graphics.

We believe that the Large Nature Model is a paradigm shift in how we can use AI to perceive our natural world. It promises to redefine our engagement with nature while paying homage to the Earth’s irreplaceable ecosystems.

With your support, we can realize this transformative project and initiate an era where technology, art, and environmental science converge for the benefit of our planet.

Amazon Rainforest

8°27'32.5"S 71°49'09.5"W




32.6 °C


0 kmph N
  • AI • Artificial Intelligence
  • LNM • Large Nature Model
  • LLM • Large Language Model
  • LiDAR • Light Detection and Ranging
  • RAS • Refik Anadol Studio
  • GAN • Generative Adversarial Network
  • LARGE NATURE MODEL THEMES: Flora, Fauna, Fungi